The 54 thoughts I have while "riding for pie"

As I am getting ready to go back home to spend some time with family & friends and winter has officially arrived (sort of), I can’t help but reminisce about this summer and all the adventures I had. Riding every weekend was a must and wondering up in the mountains of Boulder County looking for snacks and tasty beverages became a never-ending quest. The word “pie” became code for any snack, drink, break, or magical prize we would reward our ourselves after reaching our goal...

Scratch that. “Finding pie” became our goal. As if the only way to get pie was by going up a mountain through the weirdest route ever while questioning every decision we made.   

For my last #sponsored post about @squarespace I wanted to briefly list the 49 thoughts that go through my mind (and hopefully many others) while #ridingforpie and to cheers for the many new friendships I made while trying to find this elusive and legendary pie.

#Squarespace has been a great vessel to memorialized my wondering thoughts and has helped me take a breather from my fast-paced day to day to write about the little things that make life fucking fun. If anyone wants to give it a go remember to use my 10% discount by using the code JIMENAZ 

1.       Alarm goes off

2.       Today is going to be great (can’t tell if I am being sarcastic or excited)

3.       Aaaay my bed is so comfy

4.       I need coffee

5.       Takes 40 min to put all gear/bike ready

6.       Am I wearing the right number of layers?

7.       Am I?

8.       But really?

9.       Its cold! Definitely not wearing enough layers…

10.   But first coffee

11.   Ride starts

12.   I’m definitely not wearing enough layers

13.   No time to warm-up. Time to climb.

14.   I’m so out of shape. I’m just going to climb the first hill and turn around.

15.   I can do it!

16.   Self-cheering is encouraged.

17.   I’m hot! Too many layers!

18.   Finally get into a rhythm

19.   Gossip/catching up time

20.   Remember why you like doing this.

21.   Oh no next hill

22.   Wwwwwhhyyy

23.   Fuck the pie, I’m going home after this

24.   Yay gravel time!

25.   I’m one with nature!

26.   Ok let’s stop and take a picture

27.   Going uphill in gravel sucks! I can feel every mini stone under my wheel.

28.   Pedalfasterpedalfasterpedalfasterpedalfaster

29.   Must…break…my Strava record

30.   Out of breath, but it’s gorgeous!

31.   This is so nice! Let’s do this every day!

32.   Oh no! We forgot about the last hill!

33.   They say the best view comes after the hardest climb

34.   They also say that after climbing the hardest hill, one finds there are many more hills to climb

35.   …..

36.   I just want pie

37.   I’m going to tell the rest of the group I’m stopping to take a picture, but really, I just need a break.

38.   Last hill, just keep pedaling, ignore all your thoughts and feelings and…just…keep..pedaling

39.   Never doing this again.

40.   WE’VE ARRIVED TO THE TOP (because pie is always at the peak of any mountain)

41.   Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you’re part of a team (singing)

42.   Someone randomly asks if we know we can get pie down in Boulder

43.   …………

44.   Pie is within reach

45.   Suddenly I feel a big urge to pee

46.   I see the pie!


48.   But first Instagram

49.   Enjoy pie, laugh, have some carbonated tasty beverage or fancy coffee


51.   Time to descend!

52.   Best part of going up is the downhill part

53.   #Stravaknows

54.   Let’s do this again!


Moose encounters of the third kind

I always like to find new ways of pushing my creative limit by trying different “realms” of design. It could be graphics, photography or cooking. Sometimes it’s through small blog posts where I get to try new things and explore different ways of expressing myself. I’ve had an on & off blog at my @Squarespace website and it’s been a great vessel to try and explain what goes in my mind.

Don’t forget about my 10% off promo code JIMENAZ for anyone interested in starting their #Squarespace journey | #Sponsored

Hope you enjoy it!


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Tweet this!

Compilation of my funny and not so funny moments on Twitter. Some of them make a lot of sense, some of them don't, and some were meant to be mental notes for no one to see....Enjoy! (warning: no spell checking involved)

A continuación una colección de “tweets” que he escrito en el pasado. Unos dan risa, unos no dan nada de risa, unos no tienen sentido y otros eran notas mentales que debieron quedarse como notas mentales. Disfruten! (advertencia: no se checo ortogrfa) 

·      Nevando en Boulder?!....cheesus christ

·      Hable a una refaccionaria. No tenían lo que quería. Me dijeron el nombre de otro y que lo       buscara en “gogle” - *cringing in the inside*

·      Fetal position activated

·      No era penaaaaal

·      Oh also a rat crossed in front of me as I walked to my apt. Welcome to Brooklyn.

·      I think I just saw a cockamouse! #newyork @jasonsegel

·      A barking dog in the plane….great

·      Nomadic tendencies

·      Shark Week! Nothing else matters! #inlovewithsharks

·      Mi casa huele a citronela!.....yo y mis inventos

·      Enough con la amargura de la gente

·      Ahora en español…y se hacemos un muñecoooooooo

·      Just me, my Tostitos, and Sons of Anarchy

·      En junta y la mitad de la gente con camisa de cuadritos. Bienvenidos al Noreste caliente.

·      Hasta ahorita me voy dando cuenta que I’ve been cursed con semana gitana.

·      “Todo es orgánico, entonces es mas rico”…..cállate cállate ya….obviamente no sabes de lo que hablas

·      Raza que le gusta trabajar por Facebook….no aguanto

·      Dejen de usar la palabra gestión!

·      I still think I should be a loofa for Halloween

·      Fui al super con mis bolsas reusables y se las doy al que ayuda…y prosigue a meter la comida a bolsas de plástico y luego a mis bolsas

·      Officially carrying some holiday weight

·      Se siente a ese calor de Navidad….if that’s even a thing

·      Hace un año me estaba tatuando…hace dos sacando la IFE…weird times

·      Sometimes I buy coffee to perfume the air in my car

·      One rosca to rule them all…

·      Can’t tell if I’m dressed like a lesbian or a fashion mogul

·      Alguien acaba de contestar el teléfono con un “Aloha”. Did I mention I live in Mexico?

·      Kuno Becker no digas “peli” en la radio. Or ever.

·      Can I marry you lemongrass?

·      Silo is such a cool word.

·      I am that person that grabs popcorn with her tongue instead of hands. No ragrets son.

·      I drank 3 shots of espresso 3 years ago. Let’s ponder on that.

·      One green card to rule them all

·      It’s March and the heater is on….welcome to global warming

·      I’ve missed you Birkenstocks

·      ….oh who am I kidding I wore them all the time with socks during Winter #birkenstockproblems

·      My Timehop is full of 4/20 references and my nostalgia for brunch

·      Too many political posts to handle

·      En vez de googolear por quien votar, googoleen a #NevilleLongbotton…trust me

·      Todos debemos de practicar un poco mas de tolerancia…y ya adiós I’ll go back to talking about kimchi and pho

·      Damn you sweet relish! Why yo so good?!

·      Bye Felicias!

·      I always go for the soft butch Amish grandma look

·      Es un hecho amo a Justin Bieber

·      Acabando con broche de oro….con resaca y con un regreso super rancheado

·      Ew porque dije resaca…joder macho ya llévenme a mi pueblo norteño tío

·      Si no me quieren contestar no abran mi whastapp….pinche gente tirándome seen (emoji de manita)

·      Todo es perfecto

·      Godin in the making

·      Excuse me while I try to adult

·      Te odio @telcel! Tu ineficiencia y falta de ganas de ayudar me dan pena y tristeza

·      Ineficiencia mexicana, no te voy a extrañar  

·      Nooo por andar en la baba me perdí el Snapchat de ACL

·      8 am Colorado conversations

·      Good think about having no furniture is that I get to stretch around like a cat #adulting

·      What is life hahaha regression

·      Monochromatic bitch

·      Mexicans and Twitter #winning #NoSeanPendejos

·      Godineando and proud

·      Just me and my zombie podcast #foreveralone

·      I keep forgetting im 26 ~~

·      …not 25

·      Taters gonna tate tate tate #officelife

·      Misplaced stress

·      Quien me puso la idea en la cabeza que para aliviar crudas hay que limpiar el depa

·      Moderate moderation

·      Godinette

·      Oh belizeeeeeeeee

·      Uhm I just put Tapatio on my pasta haha

·      Shrimp paste = the blue cheese of fish #fridaywisdom

·      Damn Sproust and their bulk gummies #addicted

Adventure is whatever you want it to be

Life gets busy, complicated, and blurry. It’s easy to look down, keep doing what we are doing and let time pass by. I’m not saying the answer is to quit our jobs and move to a far away island and drink mojitos for the rest of our lives. Lets face it, that’s not everyone’s happy place (Lord knows I’m not that kind of wandering soul). We all have different passions, goals, and moments that make us feel blissfully happy. We have the right to decide what our “happy place” is and how many of these we can have. 

I realized I can’t feed my soul every day with extraordinary unique events, but I try to be aware of where I am, what I’m doing, and be present for it. I want to create stories and live everyday as an adventure. Whether I’m having a coffee with a friend, being stuck in traffic, biking, or exploring sandy Mexican beaches. It’s a state of awareness to enjoy the good, the bad, and the routine-like. It’s a reminder to keep exploring regardless of place, time, and money. Adventure is whatever you want it to be. 

Seaweed and Chopsticks

Its 3AM and I’ve never been so concentrated. Giant headphones to keep the noise of wooden models cracking out or of a student laughing nervously. I’ve built my own fortress in these four walls, a home away from home, a screen monitor slowly blinding me, and a mouse crippling my hand. One way or another you all know what I’m talking about: an all-nighter. Now I know we’ve all had this experience (some of us more than others) either writing eternal essays till dawn or soaking pieces of wood praying it bends just the right way. One all-nighter is more than enough, but we all know that’s just wishful thinking when going to college. We all have our own stories full of late night walks while its pouring rain because you just want to get home, rushing to the printer, computers shutting down, meltdowns, laughter, paper planes, and food. Yes, food.

Every time I knew there was an all-nighter coming. I would prepare for battle. Stock up on delicious and not nutritious food to get me through the night, morning, and the next whatever days I had coming my way. It would all start with a visit to the grocery store. It’s as if it was part of our project to analyze every item in the store. What would taste best at 4AM? What would help me click faster, think clearer, and comfort me best when everything would go down the drain, cause it would.  I would always try to make it a point to buy some vegetables and hummus to trick my brain into thinking this was the food I was going to want at night. Wrong.  I would buy it, take a bite, and then ignore it. How are carrots and hummus suppose to give me a big warm hug when I need it the most?! I have to confess I did go to school in Boulder so my snacks of choice would be seaweed, Qdoba burritos, and curly fries from the student center (and of course beer in a coffee cup).

I will never forget when my friend invented “chip chopsticks”. It was one of those nights where everyone was all cramped up in our studio working on models (I on the other hand was in the computer room I liked to call “the dungeon” since no matter the time, it was always pitch black). There were some chips on the table and she grabbed two pieces of leftover wood and used them as chopsticks to avoid getting her hands dirty (aka getting the model dirty). Genius! I still use that technic from time to time. I would always drink mate (I told you I went to school in Boulder), steal trail mix, make someone buy me food, had a constant love hate relationship with wasabi peas, shared my “weird” Mexican food/candy that everyone always hated, and would pretend I was a normal and functional human being the morning after (I wasn’t). Design is never done, there is always more work to be done, hence why studio culture is what it is, and how everyone at the end “enjoyed” that suffering. I will never forget it. And I will never forget those late nights and early mornings where everyone around you knew exactly how you felt.  

You can't sit with us

I didn't major in women studies, or have taken a class in gender studies. So whatever comes next just comes from my own opinion and thinking. The word feminism has lately been circling around everyone's social media, that being with Beyoncé’s picture next to it or Emma's. Everyone is giving their opinion, everyone is taking a stand, everyone is hating on the others opinion, and everyone is redefining this word in their own terms. I’m not about to ramble on about what I think feminism is or if I'm a feminist or if I like the machismo infused lifestyle. I don’t even think this blog post has to do with feminism or the redefining of this word, but I do think this post is about support. In the end I only know what I see and feel, call it whatever you want.

Recently I've realized I’m no longer living a in a "You can't sit with us" or "on Wednesdays we were pink" scene...and let's not forget I'm currently living within a society that is known for being quite judgmental and picky when it comes to who hangs with who. Yes, this still exists and I bump into it probably every day, but either I just don't care or I'm so well "protected" by support that it doesn't affect me. Hey, I’m not about to say I’ve mastered the art of not caring about stupid comments or “looks” people give, but I do feel like I have an army of people surrounding me encouraging me to be me and do me.

Which is what I wanted to talk about. I don't know if my age group has mature (and I say this in a Ted Mosby voice) and as we all mature our relationships mature together (...still in a Ted Mosby voice). I can start to see how we’re all supporting each other on whatever we’re doing. Either living the hippie life, the corporate life, the single or married life, I genuinely think we all want what’s best for each other and are actually supporting each other.

When I first launched the site and saw the honest support I received…it felt incredible. It was not the "hey congrats you're awesome" bullshit, but real support and legit actions from others to help me reach more people. I felt love and professional support.

I have to say…I am too feeling this way about my friends and people I know. I can't seem to shut up about my brewer friend, my Ivy League friend, my musician friend, my traveler friend, my talented sisters, and my writer friend. I want to get their name out and can't wait to show people what they've done.

So what I'm trying to say is that I feel blessed by whatever happened from a year or two ago to now. Either we are all more aware and maybe a little bit less jealous or we have all just accepted we can't be the best at everything and so we surround ourselves with people who do incredible things that inspire us to try and be better. Who knows? I just know what I know and what I know is that I feel lucky to have both, incredibly talented people surrounding me that I can be proud of and also have individuals who sincerely support what I do and the decisions I take. Call it what you want.

Thank you all :)

Fish sauce

I remember the moment I first realized I’ve been living my whole life in black and white. It was like discovering a color I never knew existed before. A whole new crayon box full of colors, that was it for me. From then on, there was no putting the pieces back together. No going home. Things were different now. Asia had ruined me for my old life. - Anthony Bourdain


We finally have the guts to ask an officer for a “tuk tuk”, said my voice trembling, and got into what I knew was an overpaid ride to the hostel. Who cares we finally had made it. The lights, the noise, the wind in my hair, the other tuk tuks passing us closely by, the visual image of my bags flying away…and the smell. 

Endless streets with endless amount of food carts, bumping elbows, flying satays, plastic bottles with dark liquids and hot woks all surrounding me at once. My nostrils inhaled that fine dirt that will remain in my lungs as a part of me forever. That dried dirt that becomes part of you and follows you everywhere as well as that salty sweat oozing from you. Keep walking I said to myself, I’m hungry. Nowhere to go, but straight to whatever cart was in front of me. Sweet sweet bananas with Nutella warmly tucked into a crepe. The smell of comfort and love combined with the smell of sweaty Australian frat boyish dudes next to me. Nothing reminded me of home, but I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

The sun in my eyes, the smell of a cold morning and a hot afternoon, the water in the air cleaning my lungs and the motorcycle exhaust doing the complete opposite. Strong dark coffee, cigarette smoke from the Argentinian woman next to me, some oily fried eggs and again that cold satin dirt preparing me for the day. What is there to do but eat, drink, and talk.

Beer. Beer. Beer. The big Asian caguama sits in front of me with two tiny glasses. You better drink it before it gets warm. People watching, drinking, and talking. Ex-pats with Thai woman, ex-pats with Kathoeys, western tourists, backpackers, Asian tourists, farangs, and Thai people selling chachkies, beer, and food submerged in fish sauce. I might need a full book to describe how fish sauce has changed my life. If you say Thailand, I will say fish sauce.

The food surrounds you, the noodles, lemongrass, ginger, tamarind, oil, meat, Thai chilies, sticky rice, shrimp paste, durian, and fish sauce. Strong fish scented smell that disappears when dropped into a hot oily wok. A magical wonder that sometimes I’m afraid to use at home for fear of dropping a small tiny drop into the floor and filling the air with memories (maybe subconsciously I want this to happen).

As I’m writing I’m realizing I can’t describe even one percent of what I am trying to tell. I can’t manage to even begin to explain the sensory overload I experience in one day, and each day was completely different. Each day was its own adventure of trying noodle soups, deceptive wines that looked like beer from the outside, and questionable gas station food. I just know I loved all of it and dream about it every day. I dream of the day I will be back walking under that excruciating Bangkok sun with my over packed bag, smelling Durian and fish sauce all at once, locals offering me to go into weird ally shows as I frantically look for a place to sit and have a beer with a friend.

I promise this is not the last Asia post, whether you like it or not. 


Respira el momento

Tomorrow I turn 25. Let that sink in for a minute. Twenty five…..twenty five…twenty five. It definitely feels heavier whenever I say I'm turning twenty five than if I said I was turning twenty or whatever other age. If I was thirteen I would think that my future self would be getting married and thinking of having babies. Yeah, no. Not that theres anything wrong with it, I’m just not anywhere close to experiencing that. I’m not saying I feel old. I think that's it. I still see myself as a fifteen year old. Not in the lets get wasted and spend all my money part. Although that might still happen from time to time. It's in the I still don't know what I'm doing with my life part. But I think thats okay. I was one of the few who graduated first from most of my friends and started working immediately. After a year I decided to stop this train I was on and try something new. I needed time to stop for a minute. I had been on the go for so long I had forgotten what it was to just be. This past year has been in many senses my version of a sabbatical year. I travelled a lot and got out of Monterrey every chance I got. Whenever I got paid, I would immediately spend it on a trip, new shoes or expensive tea. I got a chance to travel to Southeast Asia (more stories on that later) and just explore and pretend to be a dirty hippie for a while. I was not “looking for something” or trying to find answers I couldn’t get here at home. I just wanted to travel. The moment I came up with the idea of traveling I knew I had to do it, there was no going back. I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone and check off an item of my bucket list and yes, I had the greatest time ever. Unfortunately you would think this “calling” for traveling would end when your trip is over. I pretty much opened Pandora’s box and can’t wait for whatever next adventure is waiting for me. 

Now that I’m coming full circle, I am trying to see what’s next. I’ve realized this is what your twenties are for. To explore different scenarios, to fuck up, to excel, to grow as a person and find yourself as an adult. I can try and pretend to say I know whats ahead, but the reality is that I don’t know, and thats also okay. Not that I’m not doing anything to figure it out, I just know it will take time for my adult life to take form. I’ve spent so much time in my head thinking of tomorrow that I have now made it a point to yes, plan for whats ahead, but also just to enjoy my coffee in the morning or my hike later this afternoon. 

I would like to finish this little entry with some wise words or with a great conclusion as to why I decided to write this. Sorry to disappoint. I’m not a big birthday person, I do like the attention and gifts, who doesn’t? But I always find myself stressing trying to plan something or making sure theres enough chips for everyone so I just thought it would be nice to take a little time to reflect on whats happened, whats going to happen, and write a little entry for me. Strangely this has been one of the best birthday weekends/weeks that I’ve had so far. 

Note to self: plan less, do more, and just go with the flow. 

Afraid of being afraid

I’ve always been a creative person. I like good design, good food, and anything funny. A friend asked me what my blog would be about and to be honest, I couldn’t answer her. Then I realized that this is a blog. Not a cover letter, or a college application or anything that needed to be spelled checked. This is just a blog about, I guess, whatever I want. Sometimes I'll write about my obsession with the mountains, hiking adventures, and failed attempts to forage. Then maybe I’ll write about how much I love food and what I cooked that day. Maybe I’ll just ramble about my nomad tendencies and profess my love for Southeast Asia and how I weirdly miss the smell of fish sauce in the morning. A blog about travel adventures, my favorite pickle recipe, how much I think about the sea, running, my fashion wish list, non-profits I wish I worked for, and of course, design. So, to sum it up, its a blog about me putting things up on the internet and maybe just maybe someone will find it interesting enough to follow. 

This is mostly an exercise to keep my creative side flowing and have the guts to show it to the world. Being an almost 25 year old I find my introverted side taking presence in my life more than before. This is a way to keep things balanced and avoid becoming someone I don't know. So I really hope anyone who finds themselves in this blog enjoys it and makes something out of it. I should add I’m also making it a point to write it however it first comes out of my mind, no real spell check, and no way of knowing if the next entry, sentence, or paragraph will be in spanish, english or spanglish. Hope you enjoy.

Finally I finish with a quote that has been on my mind recently...

“... they were not really afraid. They were just afraid of being afraid.” 
― Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath
